Kepler Quarry No. 1 (Miocene of the United States)

Also known as UNSM Mo-101, UNSM Mo-102

Where: Morrill County, Nebraska (41.7° N, 103.1° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 44.5° N, 98.1° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on political unit

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Ash Hollow Formation, Clarendonian (12.5 - 9.4 Ma)

Environment/lithology: fluvial; siliciclastic sediments

• "fluviatile" (Lambert 2007)

Size class: macrofossils

Reposited in the UNSM

Collection methods: quarrying

Primary reference: M. R. Voorhies. 1990. Vertebrate biostratigraphy of the Ogallala Group in Nebraska. In T. C. Gustavson (ed.), Geologic Framework and Regional Hydrology: Upper Cenozoic Blackwater Draw and Ogallala Formations, Great Plains 115-151 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/J. Marcot]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 18221: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 05.08.1992

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

• list of Lambert 2007 omits several taxa that do not correspond plausibly with others he does list
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
Hipparion tehonense2 Merriam 1916 hipparionine horse
pers. commun.
Neohipparion affine2 Leidy 1869 hipparionine horse
pers. commun.
Neohipparion trampasense2 Edwards 1982 hipparionine horse
pers. commun.
Pseudhipparion gratum Leidy 1869 hipparionine horse
confirmed by Hulbert 1989 pers. commun.
Hippotherium sp.1 Kaup 1832 hipparionine horse
Pliohippus sp. Marsh 1874 horse
 Perissodactyla - Rhinocerotidae
Teleoceras sp. Hatcher 1894 rhinoceros
 Artiodactyla - Moschidae
Longirostromeryx sp. Frick 1937 musk deer
 Artiodactyla - Dromomerycidae
Cranioceratini indet.1 Frick 1937 ruminant
 Artiodactyla - Tayassuidae
Tayassuinae indet.1 Palmer 1897 peccary
 Artiodactyla - Camelidae
Procamelus grandis Gregory 1939 camel
Megatylopus cf. primaevus Patton 1969 camel
 Artiodactyla - Merycoidodontidae
"Merychyus major" = Ustatochoerus major1
"Merychyus major" = Ustatochoerus major1 Leidy 1858 oreodont
 Carnivora - Canidae
Epicyon cf. saevus Leidy 1858 bone-crushing dog
Leptocyon sp. Matthew 1918 canine
 Proboscidea - Gomphotheriidae
Serbelodon sp.3 Frick 1933 gomphothere
Pediolophodon sp.3 Lambert 2007 gomphothere