Loc. 3. Ys 15. Gomi Quarry (Silurian of Japan)

Also known as Locality 8. Yokokurayama, Ochi, Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku Island

Where: Shikoku, Japan (33.5° N, 133.2° E: paleocoordinates 33.5° N, 133.2° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Fukata Formation, Ludlow (427.4 - 423.0 Ma)

• Comprise "Ys 14" and "Ys 15" from the "G3 stage" of lower Ludlovian. Was Yokokura formation, but Stocker et al. (2019) give this as the Fukata formation.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; lithified reef rocks

• submarine talus deposits along outer slope of wave resistant reef front [redeposited]
• "reef-breccia"

Size class: macrofossils

Collected by M. Hirata, J. Hamada

Primary reference: T. Kobayashi and T. Hamada. 1974. Silurian trilobites of Japan in comparison with Asian, Pacific and other faunas. Palaeontological Society of Japan Special Papers 18:1-155 [M. Hopkins/M. Hopkins]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 188690: authorized by Melanie Hopkins, entered by Melanie Hopkins on 13.09.2017, edited by Pete Wagner

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Fossils include stromatoporoids, corals, brachiopods, calcareous algae, bryozoans, "pelecypods", gastropods, cephalopods, ostracods
 Corynexochida - Illaenidae
Bumastus indet. Murchison 1839 trilobite
Bumastus (Bumastus) glomerosus n. sp. Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
Bumastus (Bumastus) subquadratus n. sp. Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
Bumastus (Bumastella) spiculus Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
Bumastus (Bumastella) aspera Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
Bumastus (Bumastella) bipunctatus Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
Bumastus aff. barriensis Murchison 1839 trilobite
 Corynexochida - Styginidae
Microscutellum sp. Snajdr 1960 trilobite
Microscutellum primigenium Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
Japonoscutellum japonicum Kobayashi and Hamada 1965 trilobite
Illaenoscutellum platiceps Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
Tosacephalus fungiformis n. sp. Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
Kosovopeltis angusticostata Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
 Lichida - Lichidae
Apolichas truncatus Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
 Phacopida - Cheiruridae
Sphaerexochus hiratai n. sp. Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
subgenus robustus
Sphaerexochus planirachis n. sp. Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
Cerauroides elongatus n. sp. Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
Cerauroides orientalis Kobayashi and Hamada 1973 trilobite
 Phacopida - Encrinuridae
Encrinuridae indet. Angelin 1854 trilobite
Encrinurus yokokurensis n. sp. Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
Encrinurus mamelon n. sp. Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
 Phacopida - Phacopidae
 Proetida - Proetidae
"Proetus (Proetus) subovalis n. sp." = Coniproetus subovalis, "Decoroproetus granulatus n. sp." = Gomiites granulatus, "Cyphoproetus latiaxis" = Gomiites latiaxis, Interproetus mizobuchii n. sp., "Proetus (Gerastos) sugiharensis n. sp." = Hedstroemia sugiharensis
"Proetus (Proetus) subovalis n. sp." = Coniproetus subovalis Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
"Decoroproetus granulatus n. sp." = Gomiites granulatus Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
"Cyphoproetus latiaxis" = Gomiites latiaxis Kobayashi and Hamada 1986 trilobite
Interproetus mizobuchii n. sp. Stocker et al. 2019 trilobite
"Proetus (Gerastos) sugiharensis n. sp." = Hedstroemia sugiharensis Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
 Proetida - Tropidocoryphidae
"Proetus (Bohemiproetus) magnicerviculus" = Eremiproetus magnicerviculus, "Proetus (Gerastos) subcarinatus" = Eremiproetus subcarinatus
"Proetus (Bohemiproetus) magnicerviculus" = Eremiproetus magnicerviculus Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite
"Proetus (Gerastos) subcarinatus" = Eremiproetus subcarinatus Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 trilobite