Kinsey Ranch (CIT 471) (Neogene of the United States)

Where: Los Angeles County, California (34.7° N, 118.8° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 36.2° N, 115.4° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate stated in text

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: lower Member (Hungry Valley Formation), Hemphillian (10.3 - 4.9 Ma)

• said to be Hemphillian

Environment/lithology: fluvial; siltstone and pebbly sandstone

• shaly silts to pebbly sands... cross-bedding, scour marks and rounded to subrounded clasts

Collection methods: surface (float),

Primary reference: W. E. Miller and T. Downs. 1974. A Hemphillian local fauna containing a new genus of antilocaprid from southern California. Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 258:1-36 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/J. Head]more details

PaleoDB collection 19401: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 26.03.1995

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Perissodactyla - Tapiridae
Tapirus sp. Brisson 1762 tapir
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
Pliohippus sp. Marsh 1874 horse
seems OK, JA pers. obs. 4.1.94
 Artiodactyla - Antilocapridae
Antilocaprinae indet. Gray 1866 pronghorn