Also known as UCMP IP8662
Where: Kern County, California (35.0° N, 118.9° W)
• Paleocoordinates: 40.0° N, 98.1° W (Wright 2013)
• coordinate stated in text
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Liveoak Shale Member (Tejon Formation), Middle Eocene (47.8 - 37.7 Ma)
• Middle Eocene, "Transition Stage" or "Tejon Stage." The co-occurrence of the two species of Ficopsis is suggestive of
•a "Transition" age, F. remondi crescentensis being characteristic of the "Tejon Stage." Turritella uvasana neopleura seems to be characteristic of the lower part of the Liveoak Shale Member and appears to range from the lower part of the "Tejon Stage" downward into the "Transition Stage." The affinities of this assemblage are decidedly with the fauna of the "Tejon Stage" rather than that of the "Domengine Stage."
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: marine; lithology not reported
Size class: macrofossils
Collected by Nilsen, T. H. in 1971; reposited in the UCMP
Primary reference: T. H. Nilsen. 1987. Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Eocene Tejon Formation, western Tehachapi and San Emigdio mountains, California. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1268:1-110 [A. Miller/A. Hendy/R. McClees-Funinan]more details
Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis
PaleoDB collection 194186: authorized by Patricia Holroyd, entered by Patricia Holroyd on 16.06.2018
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
Gastropoda | |
Ficopsis remondi crescentensis fig shell | |
Scaphopoda | |
Dentalium sp. Linnaeus 1758 tusk shell
Dentalium cf. stentor Anderson and Hanna 1925 tusk shell | |
Bivalvia | |
Glycymeris sp. Da Costa 1778 clam | |
Acanthocardia breweri cockle | |
Gari sp. Schumacher 1817 clam | |
"Tellina lebecki" = Tellina (Phyllodina) lebecki
"Tellina lebecki" = Tellina (Phyllodina) lebecki Anderson and Hanna 1925 tellin clam | |
Pitar sp. Römer 1857 venus clam | |
| |
Venericardia sp. Lamarck 1801 clam | |
Crassatella sp. Lamarck 1799 clam | |
Gastropoda | |
| |
"Epitonium (Boreoscala) sp." = Boreoscala
"Epitonium (Boreoscala) sp." = Boreoscala Kobelt 1905 wentletrap | |
Turridae indet. Swainson 1840 turrid | |
"Ficopsis horni" = Priscoficus hornii
"Ficopsis horni" = Priscoficus hornii Gabb 1864 fig shell | |
Galeodea sp. Link 1807 snail | |
Polinices horni, "Euspira nuciformis" = Polinices (Euspira) nuciformis
Polinices horni moon snail
"Euspira nuciformis" = Polinices (Euspira) nuciformis Gabb 1864 moon snail | |
Turritella uvasana neopleura Merriam 1941 turret shell |