Puesto Colorado (Neogene of Argentina)

Where: La Pampa, Argentina (36.2° S, 65.1° W: paleocoordinates 36.4° S, 62.8° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Cerro Azul Formation, Huayquerian (8.0 - 5.0 Ma)

• Romano et al. 2023: Biochronological methods were useful in ordering and estimating the age of the different faunas of the Cerro Azul Formation, ranging from ca. 8 to ca. 5.7 Ma. Some appear to be transitional between Chasicoan and “Huayquerian” faunas (Cerro La Bota, Cerro Patagua, and Algarrobo del Águila), and other three (Barrancas Coloradas, El Guanaco, and Caleufú) cover the latest Miocene, even some of them could have reached the earliest Pliocene. The Cerro Azul Formation localities cover the range between ca. 8 to ca. 5.7 Ma (late Tortonian–Messinian; Late Miocene; Fig. 3; Supplementary Online Information 1, Tab. S8). 6.872 Ma (6.595 - 7.341 Ma) for Puesto Colorado.

• formation-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithology not reported

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: J. J. Urrutia, C. I. Montalvo, and G. J. Scillato-Yane. 2008. Dasypodidae (Xenarthra, Cingulata) de la Formación Cerro Azul (Mioceno tardío) de la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina. Ameghiniana 45(2):289-302 [P. Mannion/M. Kouvari]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 206260: authorized by Philip Mannion, entered by Miranta Kouvari on 06.11.2019, edited by Grace Varnham and Kateryn Pino

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Notoungulata - Hegetotheriidae
Hemihegetotherium achataleptum1 Rovereto 1914 notoungulate
GHUNLPam 14171
Paedotherium minor4 Cabrera 1937 notoungulate
 Rodentia - Chinchillidae
Lagostomus telenkechanum2 Rasia and Candela 2017 viscacha
GHUNLPam 14123 left mandible with p4-m1.
Lagostomus pretrichodactyla2 Rovereto 1914 viscacha
GHUNLPam 14124 right maxilla with M2-3.
 Rodentia - Echimyidae
Reigechimys octodontiformis3 Verzi et al. 1994 spiny rat
Pampamys emmonsae3 Verzi et al. 1995 spiny rat
 Rodentia - Abrocomidae
Protabrocoma antiqua3 Rovereto 1914 chinchilla rat
 Cingulata - Dasypodidae
Macroeuphractus morenoi Lydekker 1894 armadillo
Chorobates villosissimus Reig 1958 armadillo
Chasicotatus ameghinoi Scillato-Yané 1977 armadillo
Doellotatus inornatus Rovereto 1914 armadillo