Sataquin (Carboniferous of the United States)

Also known as Sataquin Pole Canyon crinoid fauna

Where: Utah County County, Utah (38.9° N, 111.8° W: paleocoordinates 13.8° S, 50.7° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Fitchville Formation, Kinderhookian (358.9 - 352.0 Ma)

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lithified, cherty/siliceous limestone

• dark thin-bedded limestone become characteristic, cherty and noncherty beds alternating.

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: B. S. Butler, G. F. Loughlin, and V. C. Heikes. 1920. The ore deposits of Utah. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 111:1-672 [G. Webster/G. Webster/P. Wagner]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 218919: authorized by Pete Wagner, entered by Pete Wagner on 04.03.2021

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Auloporida - Syringoporidae
Syringopora surcularia Girty 1899 tabulate coral
 Auloporida - Auloporidae
Aulopora sp. Goldfuss 1829 tabulate coral
 Favositida - Micheliniidae
"Michelina ? placenta" = Michelinia
"Michelina ? placenta" = Michelinia tabulate coral
 Stauriida - Amplexidae
Amplexus sp. Sowerby 1814 horn coral
 Stauriida - Cyathopsidae
Menophyllum sp. Milne-Edwards and Haime 1850 horn coral
 Stauriida - Zaphrentidae
"? Zaphrentis sp." = Zaphrenthis
"? Zaphrentis sp." = Zaphrenthis Rafinesque and Clifford 1820 horn coral
 Stauriida - Cyathaxoniidae
 Bellerophontida - Bellerophontidae
Bellerophon sp. de Montfort 1808 snail
 Rhabdomesida - Rhomboporidae
Rhombopora sp. Meek 1872
 Cryptostomata - Fenestellidae
Fenestella sp. Lonsdale 1839
 Orthida - Schizophoriidae
 Orthida - Rhipidomellidae
 Spiriferida - Spiriferidae
"Spirifer grimesi" = Mesochorispira grimesi Hall 1858
Spirifer centronatus Shimer 1926
 Athyridida - Athyrididae
Composita sp. Brown 1849
 Rhynchonellida - Camarotoechiidae
 Strophomenida - Rafinesquinidae
 Strophomenida - Chonetidae
 Productida - Productidae
"Productus gallatinensis" = Dictyoclostus gallatinensis
"Productus gallatinensis" = Dictyoclostus gallatinensis Girty 1899
 Productida - Araksalosiidae
"Productella ? concentrica" = Chonetipustula concentrica
"Productella ? concentrica" = Chonetipustula concentrica Hall 1857
 Proetida - Phillipsiidae
Phillipsia peroccidens Hall and Whitfield 1877 trilobite