Selected vertebrates interbedded with M. podolica Comm., Ivane suite, Podolia (Devonian to of Ukraine)

Where: Ukraine (48.6° N, 25.9° E: paleocoordinates 46.6° S, 74.0° E)

• coordinate based on political unit

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Ivane Suite Formation, Lochkovian to Lochkovian (419.2 - 407.6 Ma)

• Upper part of the Gedinnian-Seigenian from the Ivane Suite of the Tiverian horizon. See correlation chart (fig. 38.1).

• formation-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; gray siltstone

• [From description of Mutationella podolica Community]: "Abundance of articulate shells from detrital limestones, marls, and less commonly argillites, is consistent with average turbulence. Community commonly encountered within argillites having marl and limestone interbeds. Within Ivanevtsian horizon they are interbedded with red and grey aleurolites (=siltstones) yielding [ichthyofaunal list]. The more landward occurrences of the community yield almost 100% Mutationella, as well as some interbeds of large leperditicopes, which taken with the vertebrate data indicates transition from BA 2, for medium diversity community, through BA 1 for the monospecific unit, to the nonmarine or estuarine vertebrate community. The overlying red Dniestrovian series indicates the onset of long duration, stable, lagoonal-continental sedimentation."
• "red and grey aleurolites (=siltstones)"

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: List of four species followed by "etc." It is not clear how many species are omitted.

Primary reference: V. P. Gritsenko, A. A. Istchenko, L. I. Konstantinenko and P. D. Tsegelnjuk. 1999. Animal and plant communities of Podolia. In A. J. Boucot and J. D. Lawson (eds.), Paleocommunities--a case study from the Silurian and Lower Devonian 462-487 [M. Foote/M. Foote/M. Foote]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 23447: authorized by Michael Foote, entered by Michael Foote on 15.07.2002, edited by Lauren Sallan and Joseph Flannery-Sutherland

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Pteraspidiformes -
Pteraspis sp. Kner 1847
 Pteraspidiformes - Rhinopteraspididae
Errivaspis magnipinealis1, "Brotzenaspis kiaeri" = Althaspis
"Brotzenaspis kiaeri" = Althaspis
 Cephalaspidiformes - Scolenaspididae
"Cephalaspis kozlowskii" = Ukrainaspis kozlowskii
"Cephalaspis kozlowskii" = Ukrainaspis kozlowskii Zych 1937
 Ischnacanthiformes -
Ischnacanthiformes indet.2 Berg 1940 spiny fish
Podoliacanthus sp.2 Voichyshyn and Szaniawski 2012 spiny fish
Podoliacanthus zychi2 Voichyshyn and Szaniawski 2012 spiny fish
Thelodus scoticus
"Thelodus scoticus" = Logania scotica
"Thelodus scoticus" = Logania scotica Traquair 1898