2A (100-200 ft), Bikini Island (Pleistocene of Marshall Islands)

Where: Marshall Islands (11.6° N, 165.4° E: paleocoordinates 11.6° N, 165.4° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Late/Upper Pleistocene (0.1 - 0.0 Ma)

• STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS: From an undifferentiated lithostratigraphic unit. AGE: Late Pleistocene, on the basis of stratigraphic position. STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: A composite from several beds within the section of drill core of 100-200 ft.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lagoonal or restricted shallow subtidal; poorly lithified, white limestone

• EMVIRONMENT: Carbonate facies, abundant lagoon type mollusks. No further paleontologic data.
• LITHOLOGY: White, compact, limestone, moderately to firmly cemented for the most part, but friable to unconsilidated at the very top, and chalky at the base. LITHIFICATION: Poorly lithified, on the basis facies description and figured specimens.

Size classes: macrofossils, microfossils

Preservation: cast, mold/impression, original aragonite, replaced with calcite

Collected by JTF in 1947; reposited in the USNM

Collection methods: core,

• COLLECTOR: Operation Crossroads, Joint Task Force One, 1947. REPOSITORY: USNM.

Primary reference: K. O. Emery, J. I. Tracey, and H.S. Ladd. 1954. Geology of Bikini and nearby atolls: Part 1, Geology. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 260(A):1-265 [A. Miller/A. Hendy/R. McClees-Funinan]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 43336: authorized by Austin Hendy, entered by Austin Hendy on 12.08.2004

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• COEVERAGE: Representative, but not exhaustive of bivalvia and gastropoda. NOMENCLATURE: Mixture of some slightly antiquated and broad identifications and more modern nomenclature, subgenus- and species-level identifications from an authoritative publication. IDENTIFIER: H. S. Ladd.
 Cardiida - Veneridae
"Lioconcha cf. picta" = Lioconcha (Lioconcha) ornata
"Lioconcha cf. picta" = Lioconcha (Lioconcha) ornata Dillwyn 1817 venus clam
 Cerithioidea - Cerithiidae
Rhinoclavis (Rhinoclavis) vertagus2 Linnaeus 1758 cerith snail
Cerithium vertagus cerith snail
 Sorbeoconcha - Ranellidae
"Cymatium (Septa) gemmatum" = Septa3
"Cymatium (Septa) gemmatum" = Septa3 triton shell
 Sorbeoconcha - Strombidae
"Strombus gibberulus" = Strombus (Gibberulus) gibberulus, "Strombus (Gibberulus) gibberulus" = Strombus (Gibberulus) gibberulus2, Strombus (Euprotomus) vomer2
"Strombus gibberulus" = Strombus (Gibberulus) gibberulus Linnaeus 1758 conch
"Strombus (Gibberulus) gibberulus" = Strombus (Gibberulus) gibberulus2 Linnaeus 1758 conch
Strombus (Euprotomus) vomer2 Röding 1798 conch
 Sorbeoconcha - Cerithiopsidae
 Sorbeoconcha - Triphoridae
 Sorbeoconcha - Vermetidae
"Petaloconchus (Macrophragma) merkana" = Macrophragma2
"Petaloconchus (Macrophragma) merkana" = Macrophragma2 worm shell
 Trochoidea - Turbinidae
"Astraea (Astralium) "sp. B"" = Astralium1
"Astraea (Astralium) "sp. B"" = Astralium1 Link 1807 snail
 Rotaliacea - Rotaliidae
 Rotaliacea - Calcarinidae
 Asterigerinacea - Amphisteginidae
Amphistegina sp. d'Orbigny 1826
 Miliolida - Soritidae
 Hapalidiales - Corallinophycidae
Lithothamnion sp. Heydrich 1897
 Bryopsidales - Halimedaceae
Halimeda sp. Lamouroux 1812