M410/84, Ary-Mas-Yuryakh River mouth (Cambrian of Russian Federation)

Where: Yakutiya, Russian Federation (71.0° N, 102.0° E: paleocoordinates 24.8° S, 6.5° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Nochoroicyathus sunnaginicus zone, 13 Member (Medvezhyn Formation), Tommotian (525.5 - 521.0 Ma)

• Listed as Ajacicyathus sunnaginicus-Tiksitheca licis zone

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: glauconitic, brown, gray, green, red limestone

• The Bastion and Ella Island Formations from part of a thick succession of shallow-marine Proterozoic-Ordovician sediments deposited on the Laurentian shelf.
• Gray, beige-gray, green-gray platy limestones, nodular, lenticular in certain bands. The bands abounding in glauconite have a greenish tinge.

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils, microfossils

Collection methods: bulk, chemical, acetic, sieve,

Primary reference: A. Y. Rozanov, V. V. Missarzhevsky, N. A. Volkova, L. G. Voronova, I. N. Krylov, B.M. Keller, I. K. Korolyuk, K. Lendzion, R. Mikhnyar, N. G. Pykhova, and A. D. Sidorov. 1969. Tommotskiu jarus i problema nizhney granisty kembriya [The Tommotian Stage and the Cambrian lower Boundary problem]. Trudy Geoligske Institut Leningrad 206:1-379 [P. Wagner/P. Wagner/P. Novack-Gottshall]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 56858: authorized by Pete Wagner, entered by Pete Wagner on 27.11.2005

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Pelagiellida - Aldanellidae
"Aldanella cf. attleborensis" = Aldanella attleborensis, "Aldanella utchurica n. sp." = Aldanella attleborensis
"Aldanella cf. attleborensis" = Aldanella attleborensis Shaler and Foerste 1888
Aldanella ex. gr. attleborensis
"Aldanella utchurica n. sp." = Aldanella attleborensis Shaler and Foerste 1888
 Helcionellida - Coreospiridae
Latouchella memorabilis Rozanov et al. 1969
 Helcionellida - Helcionellidae
"Latouchella korobkovi" = Oelandiella korobkovi Vostokova 1962
Bemella jacutica Rozanov and Missarzhevsky 1966
Anabarella plana Vostokova 1962
 Orthothecida -
Turcutheca rugata Syssoiev 1959
Turcutheca annae Syssoiev 1959
 Anabaritida - Anabaritidae
Cambrotubulus decurvatus Rozanov et al. 1969 jellyfish
Anabarites tristichus Rozanov et al. 1969 jellyfish
 Monocyathida - Monocyathidae
Archaeolynthus sp. Taylor 1910 archaeocyath sponge
 Hyolithelminthida - Hyolithellidae
Hyolithellus sp. Billings 1872