Ulm-Westtangente (Miocene of Germany)

Where: Baden-Württemberg, Germany (48.4° N, 9.9° E: paleocoordinates 48.5° N, 7.9° E)

When: MN 2 (22.4 - 20.0 Ma)

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; gray, white, calcareous marl

Size class: mesofossils

Reposited in the SMNS

Primary reference: J. Werner. 1994. Beiträge zur Biostratigraphie der Unteren Süßwasser-Molasse Süddeutschlands - Rodentia und Lagomorpha (Mammalia) aus den Fundstellen der Ulmer Gegend. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie B (Geologie und Paläontologie). 200:1-263 [L. van den Hoek Ostende/L. van den Hoek Ostende/L. van den Hoek Ostende]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 66138: authorized by Lars van den Hoek Ostende, entered by Lars van den Hoek Ostende on 30.09.2006, edited by Juliette Richter and Terri Cleary

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Lagomorpha - Ochotonidae
 Rodentia - Eomyidae
Ritteneria molinae Alvarez Sierra 1989 rodent
 Rodentia - Cricetidae
Eucricetodon aff. gerandianus Gervais 1848 rodent
Pseudocricetodon thaleri Hugueney 1969 rodent
 Rodentia - Sciuridae
Palaeosciurus cf. feignouxi Pomel 1953 squirrel
? Ratufa obtusidens Asian giant squirrel
Blackia ulmensis n. sp. Werner 1994 squirrel
 Rodentia - Aplodontidae
Paracitellus eminens mountain beaver
 Rodentia - Gliridae
Paraglis infralactorensis n. sp. Baudelot and Collier 1982 dormouse
type locality for subspecies ingens Werner 1994
Peridyromys "sp. 3" Stehlin and Schaub 1951 dormouse
"Peridyromys" obtusangulus von Meyer 1859 dormouse
Plesiodyromys toriformis n. gen. n. sp. Werner 1994 dormouse
Microdyromys hildebrandti n. sp. Werner 1994 dormouse
 Tribosphenida - Erinaceoidae
Pseudocordylodon cf. vireti6 Hürzeler 1944 placental
Chainodus ulmensis n. sp.6 Ziegler 1990 placental
Dimylus paradoxus6 von Meyer 1846 placental
 Soricomorpha - Plesiosoricidae
Plesiosorex cf. soricinoides6 Blainville 1838 placental
 Soricomorpha - Soricidae
Heterosorex neumayrianus4 shrew
ssp. neumayrianus
Crocidosorex sp.4 Lavocat 1951 shrew
Soricella cf. discrepans4 Doben-Florin 1964 shrew
 Soricomorpha - Talpidae
Desmanella sp.5 Engesser 1972 mole
mand. fragments and isolated teeth
Desmanella gudrunae3 van den Hoek Ostende and Fejfar 2006 mole
mand. fragments and isolated teeth
Asthenoscapter "sp.2"5 Hutchison 1974 mole
Hugueneya aff. primitiva5 Hutchison 1974 mole
Talpa tenuidentata n. sp.5 Ziegler 1990 mole
Geotrypus montisasini n. sp.5 Ziegler 1990 mole
"Myxomygale minor n. sp." = Percymygale minor5 Ziegler 1990 mole
Paratalpa meyeri5 Schlosser 1877 mole
Mygalea jaegeri5 Seemann 1938 mole
 Tribosphenida - Herpetotheriidae
Amphiperatherium frequens6 von Meyer 1846 marsupial
A. frequens frequens
 Squamata - Anguidae
Ophisaurus holeci2 Klembara 2015 glass lizard
SMNS 96576c, parietal; 96576b, articulated surangular and articular + prearticular
 Squamata - Lacertidae
"Ophisaurus ulmensis n. sp." = Janosikia ulmensis1
"Ophisaurus ulmensis n. sp." = Janosikia ulmensis1 Gerhardt 1903 squamates
Specimens referred after reID as Janosikia; others exist of O. ulmensis but are not listed by authors. SMNS 96582, well-preserved adult individual; SMNS 96579, smaller partial skeleton (poss. juvenile); SMNS 96581, larger specimen comprising dentary, jugal and scapula; SMNS 96575, mandible; SMNS 95455 and -56, dentaries; SMNS 95457, maxilla; SMNS 95460, braincase