Hossfeldt Hills locality no. 426 (Devonian of the United States)

Also known as USGS 16473-PC

Where: Broadwater County, Montana (46.0° N, 111.5° W: paleocoordinates 14.2° S, 46.3° W)

• coordinate based on political unit

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Famennian (372.2 - 358.9 Ma)

• 22-24 feet below Lodgepole Limestone, 36-38 feet above base of upper siltstone unit. Authors initially listed this outcrop as Mississippian in age. However, later workers have shown that the Three Forks Shale is all Devonian in age.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: offshore; lithified, yellow siltstone

• orange or yellow siltstone

Reposited in the USGS

Primary reference: G. D. Robinson. 1963. Geology of the Three Forks Quadrangle, Montana. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 370:1-143 [J. Alroy/M. Sommers/J. Ju]more details

PaleoDB collection 7217: authorized by John Alroy, entered by Mike Sommers on 19.05.2000

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• only lists brachiopods and cephalopods
 Productida - Productidae
"Avonia cf. arcuata" = Dictyoclostus arcuatus
"Avonia cf. arcuata" = Dictyoclostus arcuatus Hall 1858
 Rhynchonellida - Camarotoechiidae
 Spiriferinida - Syringothyrididae
 Athyridida - Athyrididae
Composita sp. Brown 1849
 Spiriferida - Spiriferidae
Spirifer sp. Sowerby 1818
centronatus-type and "large" type