South Carnegie Site (Permian of the United States)

Also known as Roosevelt Company Quarry, Bally Mountain Locality, Bally Mountain Quarry

Where: Kiowa County, Oklahoma (35.0° N, 98.6° W: paleocoordinates 2.9° N, 27.8° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Leonardian (286.0 - 273.0 Ma)

• “As far as can be determined, the deposits were formed in the same way and at the same time as were those at Richards Spur” (Olson, 1967; see collection 67862).

Environment/lithology: fissure fill; claystone and conglomerate

• “clay and conglomerates, much as at Richards Spur“ (Olson, 1967; see collection 67862)

Size class: macrofossils

Collected by E. C. Olson (FMNH), W. May (OMNH, ROM); reposited in the FMNH, ROM

• OMNH = Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History

Primary reference: E. C. Olson. 1967. Early Permian Vertebrates. Oklahoma Geological Survey Circular 74:1-111 [J. Mueller/T. Liebrecht/T. Liebrecht]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 80691: authorized by Johannes Mueller, entered by Jana Dummasch on 05.05.2008, edited by Torsten Liebrecht

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Simpson (1979; Oklahoma Geol. Notes 39(1)) in his table 1 (p. 7) lists the ‘pelycosaur’ Basicranodon fortsilensis (sic) as the only known taxon from South Carnegie but in the text (p. 5) also mentions “a large number of specimens of Captorhinus aguti” from this site. LeBlanc et al. (2015) mention synapsids to be present but do not give a specific subtaxon. They, however, explicitly mention “the anamniote Doleserpeton” with regard to the similarity of the faunal composition of the Bally Mountain and Richards Spur localities. Since Doleserpeton is very abundant at Richards Spur and Olson (1967) says that the (then unnamed) amphibian taxa from South Carnegie and Richards Spur are the same, the ‘Olson-based.’ taxon ‘Amphibia indet.’ is re-identified as ‘Doleserpeton sp.’.
 Temnospondyli - Amphibamidae
Doleserpeton sp. Bolt 1969 tetrapod
FMNH, unnumbered, "a few jaws of the small, undetermined amphibian, also known from the Richards Spur site"
 Synapsida -
Synapsida indet. synapsid
see comments on taxonomic list
 Eureptilia - Captorhinidae
Captorhinidae indet. Case 1911 eureptile
1 complete and 3 partial right premaxillae (OMNH 77528, 77539, 77549, 77550), and 1 partial left premaxilla (OMNH 77554); 1 complete and at least 1 fragmented right premaxillae suggests the presence of at least 2 individuals of that taxon in the sample
Captorhinikos valensis Olson 1954 eureptile
8 fragments of left maxillae: 4 anterior (OMNH 77531, 77546, 77548, 77556), and 4 posterior (OMNH 77532, 77537, 77538, 77547); 4 fragments of right maxillae: 3 anterior (OMNH 77529, 77552, 77553) and 1 posterior (OMNH 77530); 1 anterior fragment of a left dentary (OMNH 77534); 3 fragments of right dentaries: 1 anterior (OMNH 7533), and 2 posterior (OMNH 77535, 77536); 3 partial dentaries without further specifications (OMNH 55796; ROM 67608, 73638); minum number of individuals in the sample is deducted from the presence of 4 anterior and 4 posterior left maxillary fragments
Captorhinus sp. Cope 1896 eureptile
FMNH, unnumbered, "many specimens", jaws, and postcrania; LeBlanc et al. (2015) refer 3 partial premaxillae (OMNH 77540, 77551, 77555) to this taxon
Captorhinus aguti Cope 1882 eureptile
1 incomplete right maxilla (OMNH 77541); 2 anterior and 2 posterior portions of right dentaries (OMNH 77542 to 77545); minimum number of individuals is deducted from the dentary material