†family Captorhinidae Case 1911 (eureptile)

Reptilia - Eureptilia - Captorhinidae

Synonym: Pariotichidae Cope 1883

Full reference: E. C. Case. 1911. A revision of the Cotylosauria of North America. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 145:1-121

Parent taxon: Eureptilia according to R. R. Reisz et al. 2011

See also Carroll 1988, Case 1911, Cope 1883, Cope 1896, Daly 1973, deBraga et al. 2019, Gardiner 1982, Gauthier et al. 1989, Gregory et al. 1956, Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Heaton 1979, Ivakhnenko 2008, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1966, Laurin and Reisz 1995, Lewis and Vaughn 1965, Müller and Reisz 2005, Müller and Reisz 2006, Olson 1962, Olson 1970, Olson and Barghusen 1962, Olson and Beerbower 1953, Osborn 1904, Seltin 1959, Stovall 1950 and Zittel 1890

Sister taxa: Captorhina, Parapsida, Protorothyrididae, Romeriida, Thuringothyris

Subtaxa: Acrodenta Baeotherates Captorhininae Captorhinoides Captorhinus Euconcordia Helodectes Labidosaurikos Labidosauriscus Labidosaurus Moradisaurinae Opisthodontosaurus Protocaptorhinus Reiszorhinus Rhiodenticulatus Riabininus Riabininus uralensis Romeria Saurorictus Sphenosaurus

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Ecology: ground dwelling insectivore-herbivore


• Triassic of Morocco (1 collection)

• Permian of Argentina (2), Brazil (2), China (2), Germany (1), India (1), Morocco (5), Niger (4), the Russian Federation (6), South Africa (1), Spain (1), United States (86: Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas), Zambia (1), Zimbabwe (1)

• Carboniferous to Permian of United States (1: New Mexico)

• Carboniferous of United States (1: Kansas)

Total: 116 collections including 162 occurrences

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