Amphiscapha subquadrata Meek and Worthen 1870 (snail)

Gastropoda - Euomphalina - Euomphalidae

Alternative combinations: Euomphalus subquadratus, Straparollus (Euomphalus) subquadratus, Straparollus subquadratus

Full reference: F. B. Meek and A. H. Worthen. 1870. Descriptions of new species and genera of fossils from the Palaeozoic rocks of the western states. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia 22:22-56

Belongs to Amphiscapha according to P. J. Wagner 2023

See also Keyes 1894, Knight 1934, Meek and Worthen 1870, Meek and Worthen 1873 and White 1891

Sister taxa: Amphiscapha (Amphiscapha), Amphiscapha browni, Amphiscapha calix, Amphiscapha catilloides, Amphiscapha hollingsworthi, Amphiscapha intermedius, Amphiscapha marginatus, Amphiscapha mongolicus, Amphiscapha muricata, Amphiscapha peruviana, Amphiscapha proxima, Amphiscapha reedsi, Amphiscapha subrugosa, Amphiscapha subsulcata, Amphiscapha uralensis

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at B.E.G. 248-T-6 (G-10), clay pit in north edge of Bridgeport (Carboniferous of Texas)

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