Myriapoda - Euphoberiida - Euphoberiidae
Full reference: F. B. Meek and A. H. Worthen. 1868. Preliminary notice of a scorpion, a Eurypterus? and other fossils from the Coal-measures of Illinois. The American Journal of Science and Arts, Second Series 46:19-28
Parent taxon: Euphoberiidae according to S. Štamberg and J. Zajíc 2008
See also Baldwin 1911, Hoffman 1969, Pruvost 1930 and Scudder 1890
Sister taxa: none
Subtaxa: Euphoberia absens Euphoberia anguilla Euphoberia armigera Euphoberia brownii Euphoberia carri Euphoberia cuspidata Euphoberia ferox Euphoberia flabellata Euphoberia granosa Euphoberia histrix Euphoberia horrida Euphoberia hystricosa Euphoberia lithanthracis Euphoberia simplex Euphoberia spinulosa Euphoberia tracta Euphoberia varians
• Carboniferous of Belgium (1 collection), the Czech Republic (1), Germany (2), the United Kingdom (6), United States (9: Illinois)
Total: 19 collections including 44 occurrences
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