Insecta - Ephemerida - Protereismatidae
Invalid subtaxa: Bantiska Sellards 1907, Esca Sellards 1909, Loxophlebia Martynov 1928, Mecus Sellards 1909, Pinctodia Sellards 1907, Prodromus Sellards 1907, Protechma Sellards 1907, Recter Sellards 1907, Rekter Sellards 1907, Scopus Sellards 1907, Therates Sellards 1907 [replaced name]
Full reference: E. H. Sellards. 1907. Types of Permian insects, Part II - Plectoptera. The American Journal of Science, Fourth Series 23(137):345-355
Parent taxon: Protereismatidae according to R. Willmann 2007
See also Carpenter 1933, Carpenter 1979, Carpenter 1992, Handlirsch 1919, Handlirsch 1922, Martynov 1928, Sellards 1909, Tillyard 1932, Zalessky 1946 and Zimmerman 1962
Sister taxon: Kukalova
Subtaxa: Pinctodia curta Protereisma apicalis Protereisma arcuatum Protereisma elongatum Protereisma insigne Protereisma latum Protereisma permianum Protereisma rossenrayensis Protereisma sellardsi Protereisma uralicum Rekter extensus
• Permian of Germany (1 collection), the Russian Federation (2), United States (9: Kansas, Oklahoma)
Total: 12 collections including 36 occurrences
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