Botucaraitherium belarminoi Soares et al. 2014 (cynodont)

Osteichthyes - Therapsida

Full reference: M. B. Soares, A. G. Martinelli, and T. V. Oliveira. 2014. A new prozostrodontian cynodont (Therapsida) from the Late Triassic Riograndia Assemblage Zone (Santa Maria Supersequence) of Southern Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 86(4):1673-1691

Belongs to Botucaraitherium according to M. B. Soares et al. 2014

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: MMACR-PV-003-T, a partial skull (Left lower jaw, without postdentary bones, bearing the root of last incisor, the canine, and four partially preserved postcanines plus one partial crown inside ). Its type locality is Botucarai Hill, BR-287 road, which is in a Norian fine channel fill sandstone/siltstone in the Caturrita Formation of Brazil.


Distribution: found only at Botucarai Hill, BR-287 road

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