Protozoa - Radiolaria - Actinommidae
Parent taxon: Actinommidae according to G. K. Sharma and K. Takahashi 2007
See also Kiessling 1995 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Acanthosphaera, Actinomminae, Astrocentrus, Bolena, Carinaheliosoma, Carposphaera, Cromyomma, Cromyosphaera, Elatomma, Haliommetta, Mallanites, Perispongidium, Prunopyle, Pseudacanthosphaera, Sphaeropyle, Spongoplegma, Staurosphaera, Staurosphaeretta, Stauroxiphos, Stuermeria, Tetracanthellipsis, Thaisphaera, Thecosphaera, Thecosphaerella
Subtaxa: Actinomma boreale Actinomma davisensis Actinomma frigida Actinomma interessanta Actinomma ishidai Actinomma leptodermum Actinomma longinggapensis Actinomma matsuokai Actinomma schaebenholzianum Actinomma siciliensis Actinomma tochidaniensis Actinomma verwirra
Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore
• Quaternary of Japan (8 collections)
• Miocene of Japan (1)
• Cretaceous of Austria (2), Oman (4), the Philippines (1), the Russian Federation (2)
• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Austria (1), Germany (1)
• Jurassic of Antarctica (14), Austria (1), Germany (3), Italy (4), Japan (10), Slovakia (3), Slovenia (5), Spain (1), Switzerland (1)
• Triassic of Thailand (12)
Total: 74 collections including 120 occurrences
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