Tribe Giraffini (giraffe)

Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Giraffidae

Parent taxon: Giraffidae according to A. Hassanin and E. J. P. Douzery 2003

Sister taxa: Alcicephalus, Birgerbohlinia, Bohlinia, Bohlininae, Bramiscus, Canthumerycinae, Decennatherium, Georgiomeryx, Giraffinae, Giraffokerycinae, Helladotherium, Honanotherium, Okapiinae, Okapini, Palaeogiraffa, Palaeotragini, Palaeotragus, Progiraffa, Propalaeomeryx, Schansitherium, Sivatheriinae, Sivatheriini, Umbrotherium, Vishnutherium

Subtaxa: Giraffa

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Ecology: ground dwelling browser


• Quaternary of Algeria (2 collections), Ethiopia (9), Japan (1), Kenya (58), South Africa (4), Sudan (7), Syria (1), Tanzania (17), Turkey (1)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Ethiopia (2), Kenya (1), Malawi (1)

• Pliocene of Chad (1), China (1), Ethiopia (5), Georgia (1), Kenya (14), Malawi (3), Senegal (1), South Africa (4), Tanzania (28), Turkey (1), Uganda (1)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Chad (1), Ethiopia (1), Kenya (2), South Africa (2), Tanzania (1)

• Miocene to Pleistocene of South Africa (1)

• Miocene of Georgia (1), Greece (2), India (1), Kenya (3), Moldova (1), Pakistan (2), the Russian Federation (1), Turkey (1), Ukraine (1)

Total: 185 collections including 272 occurrences

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