Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Giraffidae
Full reference: J. E. Gray. 1821. On the natural arrangement of vertebrose animals. The London Medical Repository Monthly Journal and Review 15:296-310
Parent taxon: Giraffomorpha according to I. M. Sánchez et al. 2015
See also Agnarsson and May-Collado 2008, Carroll 1988, Cregut-Bonnoure and Tsoukala 2017, Flower 1883, Flower and Lydekker 1891, Gray 1821, Gregory 1910, Hamilton 1978, Harris et al. 2010, Hassanin and Douzery 2003, Jaekel 1911, Khan and Sarwar 2002, Matthew 1908, Nowak 1991 and Spaulding et al. 2009
Sister taxon: Palaeomerycidae
Subtaxa: Alcicephalus Birgerbohlinia Bohlinia Bohlininae Bramiscus Canthumerycinae Decennatherium Georgiomeryx Giraffinae Giraffini Giraffokerycinae Helladotherium Honanotherium Okapiinae Okapini Palaeogiraffa Palaeotragini Palaeotragus Progiraffa Propalaeomeryx Schansitherium Sivatheriinae Sivatheriini Umbrotherium Vishnutherium
Ecology: ground dwelling browser
• Quaternary of Algeria (2 collections), the Congo-Kinshasa (1), Djibouti (1), Eritrea (1), Ethiopia (17), Greece (4), Japan (1), Kenya (66), Morocco (1), Pakistan (2), Romania (1), South Africa (7), Spain (1), Sudan (7), Syria (1), Tanzania (30), Turkey (1)
• Pliocene to Holocene of Malawi (1)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of the Congo-Kinshasa (2), Ethiopia (5), Greece (1), Kenya (1), Malawi (3), Spain (1), Tanzania (2), Uganda (1)
• Pliocene of Afghanistan (1), Chad (3), China (7), Egypt (2), Ethiopia (13), Georgia (1), Greece (3), India (4), Kazakhstan (2), Kenya (15), Malawi (3), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (3), Senegal (1), South Africa (4), Spain (1), Tajikistan (1), Tanzania (44), Turkey (1), Uganda (5)
• MN 13 of China (1)
• Miocene to Pliocene of Chad (1), Ethiopia (3), Greece (1), Kenya (4), Morocco (1), South Africa (4), Tanzania (1), Uganda (5), Ukraine (1)
• Miocene to Pleistocene of South Africa (1)
• Neogene of Ukraine (1)
• Miocene of Afghanistan (1), Algeria (3), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), Bulgaria (6), Chad (2), China (27), Ethiopia (2), France (1), Georgia (2), Greece (44), India (1), Iraq (1), Italy (3), Kazakhstan (2), Kenya (19), Kyrgyzstan (1), Libya (1), Moldova (6), Morocco (1), Nepal (1), Pakistan (22), Portugal (1), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (2), Saudi Arabia (3), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Spain (10), Syria (1), Tajikistan (2), Tanzania (2), Thailand (1), Tunisia (5), Turkey (8), Ukraine (9)
Total: 493 collections including 701 occurrences