Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Rafinesquinidae
Full reference: L.R.M. Cocks. 2005. Strophomenate Brachiopods from the late Ordovician Boda Limestone of Sweden: their systematics and implications for palaeogeography. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 3:243-282
Belongs to Leptaena (Leptaena) according to L.R.M. Cocks 2005
Sister taxa: Leptaena (Leptaena) altera, Leptaena (Leptaena) depressa, Leptaena (Leptaena) diademata, Leptaena (Leptaena) enucleata, Leptaena (Leptaena) haverfordensis, Leptaena (Leptaena) infrunita, Leptaena (Leptaena) ordovicica, Leptaena (Leptaena) purpurea, Leptaena (Leptaena) rhomboidalis, Leptaena (Leptaena) rugosoides, Leptaena (Leptaena) salopiensis, Leptaena (Leptaena) semiovalis, Leptaena (Leptaena) strandi, Leptaena (Leptaena) tenuistrata, Leptaena (Leptaena) tenuistriata, Leptaena (Leptaena) trifidum, Leptaena (Leptaena) valentia, Leptaena (Leptaena) ventricosa
Type specimen: RMSBr 6701 (ventral valve). Its type locality is Kallholn (Kallhäll), Boda Limestone, which is in a Pirgu/Porkuni reef, buildup or bioherm limestone in the Boda Limestone Formation of Sweden.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Ordovician of Sweden (5 collections)
Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence
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