Torellella lentiformis Syssoiev 1962

Hyolithelminthida - Torellellidae

Alternative combination: Lentitheca lentiformis

Full reference: V. A. Syssoiev. 1962. Hiolity kembriâ severnogo sklona Aldanskogo šita. ANSSSR, Âkutskij filial’ Sibirskogo otdeleniâ, Âkutsk 1-65

Belongs to Torellella according to J. J. Alvaro et al. 2002

See also Rozanov and Missarzhevsky 1966, Rozanov et al. 1969 and Syssoiev 1962

Sister taxa: Torellella biconvexa, Torellella curva, Torellella explicata, Torellella guizhouensis, Torellella laevigata

Type specimen: YaFAN 32/4

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Cambrian of France (1 collection), Mongolia (1), the Russian Federation (21), the United Kingdom (1)

Total: 24 collections each including a single occurrence

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