†family Alatoconchidae Termier et al. 1973 (clam)

Bivalvia - Myalinida - Alatoconchidae

Full reference: H. Termier, G. Termier, and A.F. Lapparent. 1973. Grands bivalves récifaux du Permian supérieur de l'Afghanistan central. Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord 93(1):75-80

Parent taxon: Alatoconchoidea according to J. G. Carter et al. 2011

See also Bouchet et al. 2010 and Kiessling 2004

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Alatoconchinae Saikraconchinae

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Ecology: stationary semi-infaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Afghanistan (3 collections), Croatia (3), Japan (4), Malaysia (1), Tunisia (5)

Total: 16 collections including 18 occurrences

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