†family Fenestellidae King 1850 (bryozoan)

Stenolaemata - Cryptostomata - Fenestellidae

Full reference: W. King. 1850. Monograph of the Permian fossils of England. Palaeontographical Society 1-253

Parent taxon: Fenestellina according to A. Ernst and J. Bohatý 2009

See also Astrova and Morozova 1956, Bassler 1911, Bassler 1953, Campbell and Engel 1963 and Gilmour and Snyder 2000

Sister taxa: Acanthocladiidae, Admiratellidae, Carnocladiidae, Fenestraliidae, Reteporinidae, Semicosciniidae, Septatoporidae, Septoporidae

Subtaxa: Anastomopora Archaefenestella Archimedes Bicorbis Bigeyina Cavernella Ernstipora Exfenestella Fabifenestella Fenestella Fenestellinae Fenestepora Fenestralia Fenestrapora Fenestrellina Filites Flexifenestella Helicopora Hemitrypa Hemitrypella Hinganotrypa Isotrypa Levifenestella Loculipora Lyrocladia Lyropora Moorephylloporina Narynella Ogbinofenestella Paraptylopora Paraseptopora Patellipora Permofenestella Polycladiopora Pseudoisotrypa Pseudounitrypa Ptiloporella Ptiloporina Rectifenestella Reteporina Ryhopora Seriopora Sphragiopora Unitrypa Utropora

View classification

Type: Fenestella

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Afghanistan (8 collections), Armenia (4), Australia (125), Austria (4), Azerbaijan (3), Bolivia (6), Cambodia (1), Canada (10: Alberta, British Columbia, Nunavut), China (49), East Timor (2), Germany (18), Greenland (9), India (11), Indonesia (4), Iran (34), Italy (1), Japan (3), Laos (4), Lithuania (13), Malaysia (1), Mongolia (9), Myanmar (2), New Zealand (3), Norway (1), Oman (27), Pakistan (8), Peru (12), Poland (16), the Russian Federation (155), Slovenia (1), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (30), Tajikistan (17), Thailand (16), Tunisia (1), the United Arab Emirates (9), the United Kingdom (25), United States (124: Alaska, Arizona, California, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, Wyoming), Venezuela (1)

• Namurian of Argentina (1)

• Carboniferous to Permian of China (2)

• Carboniferous of Afghanistan (1), Algeria (1), Antarctica (2), Argentina (3), Australia (37), Belize (2), Bolivia (3), Canada (12: Alberta, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon), China (2), the Czech Republic (1), Egypt (4), France (1), Germany (4), India (12), Ireland (3), Japan (2), Mexico (2), Peru (3), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (13), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (6), the United Kingdom (47), United States (360: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Idaho, Idaho-Utah, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia)

• Couvinien of Australia (1)

• Devonian to Carboniferous of the United Kingdom (5)

• Devonian of Australia (22), Austria (1), Belgium (4), Canada (7: Alberta, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Quebec), China (5), Colombia (31), the Czech Republic (8), France (2), Germany (48), Iran (1), Italy (1), Libya (1), Mongolia (3), Morocco (4), New Zealand (3), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (4), South Africa (3), Spain (38), the United Kingdom (18), United States (110: Alaska, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia), Venezuela (1), Vietnam (1), Western Sahara (1)

• Niagaran of United States (2: New York, Ohio)

• Silurian of Australia (2), Canada (3: Northwest Territories, Ontario), China (4), the Czech Republic (2), India (2), Mexico (3), Norway (1), the Russian Federation (2), Sweden (12), the United Kingdom (2), United States (78: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska, New York, Wisconsin)

• Ordovician of China (1), Estonia (1), France (1), Italy (1), Sweden (3), United States (12: Kentucky, Ohio)

Total: 1748 collections including 2816 occurrences

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