Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Acroporidae
Full reference: J. W. Wells. 1934. Some fossil corals from the West Indies. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 83(2975):71-110
Belongs to Astreopora according to J. W. Wells 1934
Sister taxa: Astreopora (Astreopora), Astreopora annulata, Astreopora antiguensis, Astreopora auvertiaca, Astreopora compressa, Astreopora decaphylla, Astreopora densata, Astreopora digitata, Astreopora dubiosa, Astreopora duwamishensis, Astreopora ehrenbergi, Astreopora expansa, Astreopora gatuncilloensis, Astreopora goethalsi, Astreopora gracilis, Astreopora hemisphaerica, Astreopora hexaphylla, Astreopora hochstetteri, Astreopora leightoni, Astreopora listeri, Astreopora meneghiniana, Astreopora microcalix, Astreopora minima, Astreopora moretonensis, Astreopora mostarensis, Astreopora myriophthalma, Astreopora occidentalis, Astreopora portoricensis, Astreopora profunda, Astreopora rutteni, Astreopora sanjuanensis, Astreopora schedakena, Astreopora sphaeroidalis, Astreopora stellaris, Astreopora subcylindrica, Astreopora tecta, Astreopora wallaceae
Type specimen: Its type locality is Cambridge [Yellow Limestone Gp], which is in a Lutetian shallow subtidal limestone in Jamaica
Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal photosymbiotic-suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at Cambridge [Yellow Limestone Gp]
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