Family Acroporidae Verrill 1902 (stony coral)

Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Acroporidae

Non the homonym bryozoan family Acroporidae Canu 1913, now replaced by Porinidae.

Parent taxon: Astrocoeniina according to R. Baron-Szabo 2006

See also Turnsek 1997

Sister taxa: Actinastreidae, Astrocoeniidae, Pocilloporidae

Subtaxa: Acropora Alveopora Anacropora Astreopora Bacarella Dendracis Diplocoenia Etallonasteria Gravieropsammia Isopora Montipora Palaestraeopora Paretallonia

view classification

Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal photosymbiotic-suspension feeder


• Quaternary of Antigua and Barbuda (1 collection), Australia (96), the Bahamas (19), Barbados (70), Belize (10), British Indian Ocean Territory (1), Cayman Islands (19), China (3), Cocos (Keeling) Islands (1), Colombia (25), Cook Islands (3), Costa Rica (11), Djibouti (1), Dominica (1), the Dominican Republic (12), Egypt (33), Eritrea (1), French Polynesia (38), Guadeloupe (3), Guam (2), Haiti (12), India (7), Indonesia (11), Iran (2), Israel (1), Jamaica (9), Japan (71), Kenya (42), Kiribati (1), Madagascar (2), Malaysia (1), Maldives (3), the Marshall Islands (1), Mauritius (5), Mayotte (2), Mexico (4), the Netherlands Antilles (60), New Caledonia (17), New Zealand (1), Niue (1), Northern Mariana Islands (1), Pakistan (4), Palau (4), Panama (30), Papua New Guinea (31), the Philippines (5), Pitcairn (3), Puerto Rico (1), Reunion (1), Saudi Arabia (13), the Seychelles (9), Somalia (1), Sri Lanka (2), Sudan (1), Taiwan (7), Turks and Caicos Islands (1), Tuvalu (1), United States (22: Florida, Hawaii, Texas), Vanuatu (12), Venezuela (2), Virgin Islands (3), Virgin Islands (12)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of the Bahamas (1), Costa Rica (7), East Timor (1), Indonesia (3), Jamaica (1), the Philippines (1), Saudi Arabia (1)

• Pliocene of the Bahamas (8), Costa Rica (15), French Polynesia (1), Haiti (4), Indonesia (21), Jamaica (2), Japan (3), Malaysia (3), the Netherlands Antilles (18), Niue (1), Papua New Guinea (1), United States (4: Florida, Hawaii)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Indonesia (7), Malaysia (2), United States (1: Puerto Rico)

• Miocene of Anguilla (3), Australia (1), Colombia (11), Cyprus (2), the Dominican Republic (1), Egypt (2), Fiji (4), France (16), Grenada (1), Haiti (1), Indonesia (67), Iran (8), Italy (3), Jamaica (1), Japan (3), Madagascar (2), Malaysia (2), the Marshall Islands (6), Mexico (3), the Netherlands Antilles (1), New Zealand (3), Northern Mariana Islands (1), Pakistan (1), Panama (17), Papua New Guinea (5), Portugal (2), Romania (1), Somalia (7), Tanzania (1), United States (1: Maryland), United States Minor Outlying Islands (1), Venezuela (2)

• Oligocene to Miocene of United States (2: Florida)

• Oligocene of Antigua and Barbuda (13), the Dominican Republic (1), France (4), Greece (4), Haiti (1), India (1), Indonesia (2), Iran (2), Italy (57), Jamaica (2), Libya (2), Malaysia (2), Mexico (1), Panama (1), Puerto Rico (4), Slovenia (6), Spain (4), United States (2: Georgia, Oregon), Venezuela (4)

• Eocene to Miocene of the Marshall Islands (1)

• Eocene to Oligocene of Greece (1), United States (1: Florida)

• Eocene of Croatia (5), the Czech Republic (2), France (6), Germany (2), Haiti (1), Hungary (7), Italy (8), Jamaica (5), Japan (1), the Marshall Islands (2), Mexico (2), Panama (2), Papua New Guinea (1), Romania (1), Slovenia (3), Somalia (4), Spain (8), Ukraine (1), the United Kingdom (4), United States (3: California, Washington)

• Paleocene to Eocene of Slovakia (1)

• Paleocene of China (1), India (1), Iran (2), Italy (1), Slovakia (3), Slovenia (3), Somalia (1), Spain (1)

• Cretaceous of Austria (1), Chile (1), China (1), France (3), Georgia (5), Germany (2), Hungary (1), Iran (1), Jamaica (1), Madagascar (1), Mexico (4), the Netherlands (1), Poland (4), Romania (1), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Spain (1), Switzerland (2), Ukraine (2), the United Arab Emirates (1), United States (1: Texas)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Japan (1)

• Jurassic of Argentina (2), Azerbaijan (4), China (1), the Czech Republic (5), France (10), Georgia (5), Greece (1), Lebanon (1), Madagascar (3), Morocco (3), Poland (1), Portugal (9), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (5), Slovenia (1), Switzerland (1), Tunisia (1), Turkmenistan (1), Uzbekistan (1)

Total: 1347 collections including 2568 occurrences

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