Rostriamynodon grangeri Wall and Manning 1986 (odd-toed ungulate)

Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Amynodontidae

Full reference: W. P. Wall and E. Manning. 1986. Rostriamynodon grangeri n. gen., n. sp. of amynodontid (Perissodactyla, Rhinocerotoidea) with comments on the phylogenetic history of Eocene Amynodontidae. Journal of Paleontology 60(4):911-919

Belongs to Rostriamynodon according to W. P. Wall and E. Manning 1986

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: AMNH 107635, a skull (complete skull and mandible). Its type locality is Irdin Manha Locality, East of Camp Margetts, which is in an Eocene terrestrial horizon in the Irdin Manha Formation of China.

Ecology: ground dwelling browser

Distribution: found only at Irdin Manha Locality, East of Camp Margetts

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