Anthozoa - Cystiphyllida - Tryplasmatidae
Full reference: S. I. Strelnikov. 1971. Znacheniye rugoz dlya stratigrafii siluriyskikh otlozheniy Pripolyarnogo Urala i gryady Chernysheva [Stratigraphy significance of rugose corals from Silurian deposits of the polar Urals and the Chernysheva ridge]. in Rugozy i stromatoporoidei paleozoya SSSR [Paleozoic Rugosa and Stromatoporoidea of the USSR], Papers of II Allunion Symposium on fossil corals of the USSR (2)71-88
Belongs to Thecaspinellum according to S. I. Strelnikov 1971
Sister taxon: Thecaspinellum daljanicum
Type specimen: Its type locality is Gryada Chernysheva, Bogatyr-El River, which is in a Pridoli marine horizon in the Greben Formation of the Russian Federation
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Silurian of the Russian Federation (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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