Intexodictyon confertum Lesovaya 1971 (stromatoporoid sponge)

Stromatoporoidea - Clathrodictyida - Atelodictyidae

Full reference: A. I. Lesovaya. 1971. Stromatoporoidei pogranichnykh sloyev siluria e devona Zeravshanskogo khrebta [Stromatoporoids from Silurian-Devonian boundary beds of the Zeravshan range]. in Rugozy i stromatoporoidei paleozoya SSSR [Paleozoic Rugosa and Stromatoporoidea of the USSR], Papers of II Allunion Symposium on fossil corals of the USSR (2)112-125

Belongs to Intexodictyon according to A. I. Lesovaya 1971

Sister taxa: Intexodictyon avitum, Intexodictyon laurenticum, Intexodictyon olevi, Intexodictyon perplexum

Type specimen: Its type locality is Turkestan Mountains, Isfara River, which is in a Wenlock reef, buildup or bioherm limestone in the Pschemack Formation of Tajikistan

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder-photosymbiotic

Distribution: found only at Turkestan Mountains, Isfara River

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