†family Fletcheriellidae Sokolov 1965 (tabulate coral)
Anthozoa - Auloporida - Fletcheriellidae
Parent taxon: Auloporicae according to D. Hill 1981
Sister taxa: Aulocystidae, Auloheliidae, Auloporidae, Bajgoliidae, Kozlowskiocystiidae, Palaeofavosiporidae, Pyrgiidae, Romingeriidae, Trachypsammiidae
Subtaxa: Eofletcheriella Fletcheriella Neofletcheriella Pseudofletcheria
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Silurian of Canada (2: Quebec collections), China (4)
• Ordovician of China (6), the Russian Federation (16)
Total: 28 collections including 34 occurrences