†family Polytoechiidae Opik 1934 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Billingsellida - Polytoechiidae

Parent taxon: Polytoechioidea according to A. Williams et al. 2000

See also Popov et al. 2009

Sister taxon: Tritoechiidae

Subtaxa: Acanthotoechia Admixtella Antigonambonites Asymphylotoechia Eremotoechia Martellia Peritritoechia Platytoechia Polytoechia Protambonites Raunites Tritoechia

View classification

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Chazyan of United States (4: Alabama, Tennessee collections)

• Whiterockian of United States (4: Nevada, Utah)

• Volkhov of Estonia (5), the Russian Federation (61)

• Vaana of Estonia (1)

• Arenigian of Argentina (4), United States (1: Nevada)

• Arenig of Argentina (8), Canada (1: New Brunswick), China (27), Greenland (1), the United Kingdom (1), United States (1: Nevada)

• Dawan of China (6)

• Ordovician of Argentina (3), Australia (13), Canada (12: Alberta, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec), China (23), Estonia (3), Iran (4), Ireland (1), Kazakhstan (19), Norway (3), the Russian Federation (27), Sweden (5), the United Kingdom (2), United States (29: Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Maine, Missouri, Nevada, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah)

• Canadian of Canada (4: Northwest Territories), United States (1: Maryland)

• Tremadoc of Argentina (3), China (13), the Czech Republic (4), Iran (8)

• Ibexian of United States (2: Nevada)

Total: 304 collections including 386 occurrences

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