Rhynchonellata - Spiriferida - Trigonotretidae
Alternative combinations: Spirifer stokesii, Spiriferina stokesi
Full reference: C. D. E. Koenig. 1825. Icones Fossilium Sectiles, Centuria Prima 1-4
Belongs to Trigonotreta according to G. A. Cisterna and G. R. Shi 2014
Sister taxa: Spirifer (Trigonotreta) strigosus, Trigonotreta australis, Trigonotreta cracovensis, Trigonotreta guizhouensis, Trigonotreta hobartensis, Trigonotreta larghii, Trigonotreta lightjacki, Trigonotreta lyonsensis, Trigonotreta orientensis, Trigonotreta sanjuanensis, Trigonotreta semicircularis, Trigonotreta stokesii, Trigonotreta victoriae
Type specimen: BMNH B4798. Its type locality is Insula Van Diemen Novae Hollandiae, which is in a Sakmarian coastal sandstone in the Swifts Jetty Sandstone Formation of Australia.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Australia (17 collections), India (1)
Total: 18 collections each including a single occurrence
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