Rhynchonellata - Spiriferida - Trigonotretidae
Full reference: N. W. Archbold and T. Singh. 1993. Taxonomic names, in Brachiopoda from the Early Permian of the eastern Himalaya. Alcheringa 17:55-75
Belongs to Trigonotreta according to N. W. Archbold and T. Singh 1993
Sister taxa: Spirifer (Trigonotreta) strigosus, Trigonotreta australis, Trigonotreta cracovensis, Trigonotreta guizhouensis, Trigonotreta hobartensis, Trigonotreta larghii, Trigonotreta lightjacki, Trigonotreta lyonsensis, Trigonotreta sanjuanensis, Trigonotreta semicircularis, Trigonotreta stokesi, Trigonotreta stokesii, Trigonotreta victoriae
Type specimen: WIF/A 968b. Its type locality is Tatamari Village, Lina Stream, Locality 28, which is in a Sakmarian marine shale/shale in the Garu Formation of India.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
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