Rhynchonellata - Spiriferida - Trigonotretidae
Alternative combinations: Neospirifer marcoui, Spirifer (Neospirifer) marcoui, Spirifer marcoui
Full reference: W. Waagen. 1883. Productus Limestone Fossils, Part IV, fas. 2. Salt Range Fossils, Palaeontologia Indica, Series 13 1(4):391-546
Belongs to Betaneospirifer according to J. B. Waterhouse 2004
See also Diener 1903, Lee and Gu 1980, Mansuy 1913, Reed 1944, Waagen 1883 and Xiong 1990
Sister taxa: Betaneospirifer ambiensis, Betaneospirifer moosakhailensis, Betaneospirifer neomarcoui, Betaneospirifer ravaniformis, Betaneospirifer shii
Subtaxa: Spirifer (Neospirifer) marcoui undata Spirifer marcoui infraplica
Type specimen: GSI 3519. Its type locality is Pail, upper beds of Lower Productus-limestone, Salt Range, which is in a Capitanian carbonate limestone in the Amb Formation of Pakistan.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Canada (1: Nunavut collection), China (2), India (2), Laos (1), Pakistan (47), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1), United States (2: Alaska)
• Carboniferous of United States (2: Alaska)
Total: 58 collections including 59 occurrences
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