Cephalopoda - Ascocerida - Ascoceratidae
Parent taxon: Ascoceratidae according to B. Kröger 2013
See also Crick 1981, Frye 1982, Sepkoski 2002 and Teichert et al. 1964
Sister taxa: Ascoceras, Ascoceratinae, Billingsites, Shamattawaceras
Subtaxa: Schuchertoceras anticostiensis Schuchertoceras bodense Schuchertoceras fryi Schuchertoceras norvegicum Schuchertoceras troedssoni
Type: Ascoceras anticostiensis
Ecology: fast-moving nektobenthic carnivore
• Ordovician to Silurian of Canada (3: Québec collections)
• Ordovician of Canada (8: Quebec, Québec), Norway (4), Sweden (3), United States (8: Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Minnesota, Ohio)
Total: 26 collections including 35 occurrences
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