Rhombotrypella kettlensis Gilmour and Snyder 2000 (bryozoan)

Stenolaemata - Trepostomida - Stenoporidae

Full reference: E. H. Gilmour and E. M. Snyder. 2000. Bryozoa of the Mission Argillite (Permian), northeastern Washington. Journal of Paleontology 74(4):540-570

Belongs to Rhombotrypella according to E. H. Gilmour and E. M. Snyder 2000

Sister taxa: Rhombotrypella alfredensis, Rhombotrypella amdrupensis, Rhombotrypella arbuscula, Rhombotrypella boulangei, Rhombotrypella composita, Rhombotrypella darvasica, Rhombotrypella dvinensis, Rhombotrypella gigantea, Rhombotrypella insolita, Rhombotrypella invulgata, Rhombotrypella ninae, Rhombotrypella ninaeforme, Rhombotrypella rectangulata, Rhombotrypella stuckenbergi, Rhombotrypella summa, Rhombotrypella superangustata, Rhombotrypella typica

Type specimen: USNM 499255. Its type locality is Mission Argellite, which is in the Wordian of limestone/siltstone the Mission Argillite Formation Washington.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Mission Argellite

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