†family Hebetoceratidae Flower 1940 (mollusk)

Cephalopoda - Ascocerida - Hebetoceratidae

Parent taxon: Ascocerida according to B. Kröger 2013

See also Crick 1981, Kröger 2007 and Sweet 1958

Sister taxa: Ascoceratidae, Linstroemoceras, Probillingsitidae

Subtaxa: Ecdyceras Hebetoceras Hebetoceratinae Montyoceras Parvihebetoceras

View classification

Ecology: fast-moving nektobenthic carnivore


• Chazyan of United States (3: New York collections)

• Ordovician of Estonia (1), Sweden (1), United States (7: Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New York, Ohio)

Total: 12 collections including 15 occurrences

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