†family Lytoceratidae Neumayr 1875 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Lytoceratidae

Synonyms: Ammonoceratitidae Brunnschweiler 1966, Holcolytoceratidae Venturi et al. 2005

Parent taxon: Lytoceratoidea according to J. T. Whicher et al. 2023

See also Alsen 2006, Arkadiev et al. 2000, Blau 1998, Brunnschweiler 1966, Förster 1975, Förster and Weier 1983, Galácz and Kassai 2012, Geczy and Meister 2007, Hillebrandt 2006, Hoffmann 2010, Hoffmann and Keupp 2010, Landra et al. 2000, Lukeneder 2004, Meister and Friebe 2003, Murphy 1975, Reboulet 1996, Szives 2007, Venturi et al. 2005, von Mojsisovics 1896, Wiedmann 1970, Wiedmann 1979, Wright 1952 and Wright et al. 1996

Sister taxa: Cicatritidae, Trachyphyllitidae

Subtaxa: Alocolytoceratinae Analytoceratinae Ectocentritinae Hemilytoceratinae Lytoceratinae Megalytoceratinae Neocyrtochilus Pleuroacanthinae Pleuroacanthitinae Takahashiceras Tragolytoceras

View classification

Type: Lytoceras

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore


• Motuan of New Zealand (1 collection)

• Cretaceous of Antarctica (9), Argentina (1), Austria (21), Canada (9: British Columbia), Colombia (1), the Czech Republic (3), Egypt (3), France (206), Greenland (19), Hungary (26), Italy (14), Japan (2), Madagascar (11), Mexico (1), Morocco (4), Mozambique (1), Poland (3), Portugal (3), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (2), Slovakia (3), South Africa (5), Spain (40), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1), Tanzania (1), Trinidad and Tobago (1), Tunisia (25), Ukraine (1), United States (50: Alaska, California, North Carolina, Oregon)

• Heterian of New Zealand (7)

• Temaikan of New Zealand (2)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Antarctica (1), Chile (1)

• Jurassic of Algeria (2), Argentina (1), Austria (36), Canada (65: British Columbia, Yukon), Chile (8), China (3), Egypt (2), France (193), Germany (56), Greenland (1), Hungary (206), India (3), Indonesia (5), Iran (2), Italy (59), Japan (14), Kenya (2), Luxembourg (4), Madagascar (20), Mexico (7), Morocco (96), Nepal (1), New Caledonia (6), New Zealand (7), Poland (2), Portugal (1), Romania (13), the Russian Federation (1), Slovakia (4), Spain (11), Switzerland (7), Tunisia (21), Turkey (13), Ukraine (6), the United Kingdom (56), United States (48: Alaska, California, Nevada, Oregon)

• Triassic to Jurassic of Austria (1)

Total: 1462 collections including 1836 occurrences

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