Family Psychidae Boisduval 1828 (bagworm moth)

Insecta - Lepidoptera - Psychidae

Full reference: J. A. Boisduval. 1828. Europaeorum Lepidopterorum Index Methodicus, Pars Prima, Sistens Genera Papilio, Sphinx, Bombyx et Noctua Lin 1-103

Parent taxon: Tineoidea according to J. C. Sohn et al. 2012

See also Carpenter 1992 and van Nieukerken et al. 2011

Sister taxa: Eriocottidae, Meessiidae, Tineidae

Subtaxa: Adelopsyche Psyche Psychites Sterrhopterix Sucinopsyche

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• Miocene of Croatia (1 collection), Germany (1)

• Eocene of the Russian Federation (3), United States (1: Colorado)

Total: 6 collections including 7 occurrences

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