Echinoidea - Salenioida - Saleniidae
Alternative spelling: Salenies
Full reference: J.L.R. Agassiz. 1838. Prodromus of a monograph of the Radiata and Echinodermata. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 1:30-449
Parent taxon: Salenioida according to A. Kroh and A. B. Smith 2010
See also Clark and Twitchell 1915, Fell and Pawson 1966, Geys 1979, Geys 1982, Geys and Jagt 1986, Haime 1849, Linder et al. 1988, Löser 2008, Nisiyama 1966, Smith 1991, Smith 1995 and Zullo et al. 1964
Sister taxa: Acrosaleniidae, Eurysalenia, Goniophoridae, Hyposaleniidae, Pseudosaleniidae
Subtaxa: Salenia Salenidia Saleniinae Saleninae Trisalenia Valsalenia
Ecology: slow-moving low-level epifaunal omnivore
• Quaternary of South Pacific (1 collection)
• Oligocene of Japan (1), United States (5: Oregon)
• Eocene of France (1), Spain (1), United States (3: Oregon, South Carolina)
• Paleocene of Denmark (1), the Netherlands (1), United States (7: Alabama, New Jersey)
• Cretaceous to Paleogene of the Netherlands (3)
• Cretaceous of Algeria (2), Angola (2), Belgium (15), Brazil (5), Cuba (1), Egypt (11), France (5), Germany (2), Hungary (1), Iran (1), Kazakhstan (2), Kyrgyzstan (1), Mexico (2), Morocco (1), the Netherlands (10), Oman (3), Portugal (10), Romania (1), Spain (9), Switzerland (5), Tunisia (1), the United Kingdom (9), United States (8: California, Texas), Yemen (2)
• Jurassic to Cretaceous of China (1)
• Jurassic of Germany (1)
Total: 135 collections including 163 occurrences