†Judeasaurus Haber and Polcyn 2005 (squamates)
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Full reference: A. Haber and M. J. Polcyn. 2005. A new marine varanoid from the Cenomanian of the Middle East. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 84(3):247-255
Parent taxon: Varanoidea according to A. Haber and M. J. Polcyn 2005
Sister taxa: Aiolosaurus, Arcanosaurus, Heloderma, Helodermatidae, Lanthanotidae, Ovoo, Pachyvaranidae, Saniwinae, Varanidae
Subtaxa: Judeasaurus tchernovi
Type: Judeasaurus tchernovi
Ecology: carnivore
Distribution: found only at Judeasaurus type locality, Judean Hills (Cretaceous of Israel)
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