†family Tappenosauridae Olson and Beerbower 1953 (synapsid)
Osteichthyes - Synapsida - Tappenosauridae
Full reference: E. C. Olson and J. R. Beerbower. 1953. The San Angelo Formation, Permian of Texas, and its Vertebrates. Journal of Geology 61(5):389-423
Parent taxon: Sphenacodontia according to O. W. M. Kuhn 1966
See also Olson 1962 and Olson and Beerbower 1953
Sister taxa: Anningiidae, Cutleria, Haptodontinae, Homodontosauridae, Ianthodon, Palaeohatteria, Pantelosaurus, Shashajaia, Sphenacodontoidea
Subtaxa: Tappenosaurus
Type: Tappenosaurus