Clade Stegocephali Cope 1868 (lobe-finned fish)

Osteichthyes - Stegocephali

Alternative spellings: Stegocephala, Stegocephalia, Stegocephalia

Full reference: E. D. Cope. 1868. Synopsis of the Extinct Batrachia of North America. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1868:208-221

Parent taxon: Choanata according to M. Laurin et al. 2000

See also Cope 1875, Gadow 1898, Hay 1902, Huene 1954, Kuhn 1946, Moodie 1909 and Swinton 1934

Sister taxon: Eutetrapoda

Subtaxa: Adelospondyli Apoecospondyli Branchiosauria Embolospondyli Ganocephala Goniocephalus Loxembolomeri Neorhachitomi Phyllospondyli

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