Alternative spelling: Lepospondylia
Full reference: K. A. von Zittel. 1887. Handbuch der Palæontologie. I. Abtheilung - Palæozoologie. III. Band - Vertebrata (Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves) 900 p.
Parent taxon: Amphibia according to M. Laurin et al. 2000
See also Carroll 1988, Daly 1973, Gadow 1898, Gardiner 1982, Haubold 1974, Hay 1902, Huttenlocker et al. 2013, Jaekel 1911, Kuhn 1946, Moodie 1916, Swinton 1934 and von Zittel 1887
Sister taxa: Amphibiopodiscus, Amphisauropus, Anthracopus, Anthracosauromorpha, Apsidospondyli, Batrachichnus, Batrachopodiscus, Campsichrotes, Euamphibia, Lehahichnus, Limnopus, Matthewichnus, Phractamphibia, Quadropedia, Ruecklinichnium, Sterrichrotes, Strepsichrotes, Temnospondyli, Urodelomorpha
Subtaxa: Acherontiscidae Microsauria Nectridea Orthocosta Seelya