Liaoningornis Hou 1997 (avialan)

Reptilia - Theropoda

Full reference: L. Hou. 1997. A carinate bird from the Upper Jurassic of western Liaoning, China. Chinese Science Bulletin 42(5):413-417

Parent taxon: Ornithuromorpha according to X. Wang et al. 2014

See also Hou 1997, Hou 1997, Kurochkin et al. 2013, O'Connor 2012, O'Connor and Zelenkov 2013 and Zhou and Wang 2010

Sister taxa: Ambiortus, Antarcticavis, Apsaravis, Archaeorhynchus, Bellulia, Changmaornis, Chaoyangia, Dingavis, Eogranivora, Gansus, Hollanda, Hongshanornithidae, Iteravis, Jianchangornis, Jiuquanornis, Juehuaornis, Kaririavis, Khinganornis, Ornithurae, Patagopteryx, Piscivoravis, Schizooura, Schizoouridae, Songlingornithidae, Vorona, Yumenornis, Zhongjianornis

Subtaxa: Liaoningornis longidigitris

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Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore

Distribution: found only at southwest of Beipiao City (Cretaceous of China)

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