†family Songlingornithidae Hou 1997 (avialan)

Reptilia - Theropoda - Songlingornithidae

Full reference: L. H. Hou. 1997. Mesozoic Birds of China

Parent taxon: Ornithuromorpha according to X. Wang et al. 2014

See also Hou 1997

Sister taxa: Ambiortus, Antarcticavis, Apsaravis, Archaeorhynchus, Bellulia, Changmaornis, Chaoyangia, Dingavis, Eogranivora, Gansus, Hollanda, Hongshanornithidae, Iteravis, Jianchangornis, Jiuquanornis, Juehuaornis, Kaririavis, Khinganornis, Liaoningornis, Ornithurae, Patagopteryx, Piscivoravis, Schizooura, Schizoouridae, Vorona, Yumenornis, Zhongjianornis

Subtaxa: none

Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Songlingornithidae in the database

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