Ianthasaurus hardestiorum Reisz and Berman 1986 (synapsid)

Osteichthyes - Synapsida - Edaphosauridae

Alternative combination: Ianthasaurus hardestii

Full reference: R. R. Reisz and D. S. Berman. 1986. Ianthasaurus hardestii n. sp., a primitive edaphosaur (Reptilia, Pelycosauria) from the Upper Pennsylvanian Rock Lake Shale near Garnett, Kansas. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 23(1):77-91

Belongs to Ianthasaurus according to D. M. Mazierski and R. R. Reisz 2010

See also Kissel and Reisz 2004, Modesto and Reisz 1990 and Reisz and Berman 1986

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: KUVP 69035, a partial skeleton. Its type locality is Garnett Quarry, which is in a Missourian fine channel fill mudstone in the Stanton Formation of Kansas.


Distribution: found only at Garnett Quarry

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