†family Edaphosauridae Cope 1882 (synapsid)

Osteichthyes - Synapsida - Edaphosauridae

Synonyms: Naosauridae Case 1907, Naosaurinae Case 1907

Full reference: E. D. Cope. 1882. Third contribution to the history of the Vertebrata of the Permian formation of Texas. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 20:447-461

Parent taxon: Eupelycosauria according to D. M. Mazierski and R. R. Reisz 2010

See also Carroll 1988, Case 1907, Daly 1973, Hay 1930, Kemp 1982, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1966, Reisz 1986 and Spindler et al. 2019

Sister taxa: Haptodontiformes, Ophiacodontidae, Sphenacomorpha, Varanopidae

Subtaxa: Bohemiclavulus Edaphosaurus Glaucosaurus Gordodon Ianthasaurus Melanedaphodon Naosaurus raymondi Ramodendron Remigiomontanus

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Type: Edaphosaurus



• Permian of Germany (1 collection), United States (35: Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas)

• Carboniferous to Permian of Germany (1), United States (2: New Mexico, Utah)

• Carboniferous of the Czech Republic (1), United States (8: Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia)

Total: 48 collections including 49 occurrences

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