Full reference: R. Broom. 1914. A new Thecodont Reptile. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1914:1072-1077
Parent taxon: Diapsida according to M. Laurin 1991
See also Broom 1914, Carroll 1988, Estes 1964, Estes and Berberian 1970, Evans 1980, Harris and Carroll 1977, Haughton and Brink 1954, Huene 1954, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1964, Kuhn 1966, Olson 1966, Reisz 1977, Roxo 1937 and Russell 1956
Sister taxa: Adelosaurus, Araeoscelidia, Archelosauria, Archosauromorpha, Diaptosauria, Dolerosaurus, Drepanosauromorpha, Endennasauridae, Fremouwsauridae, Horaffia, Hupehsuchia, Ichthyosauromorpha, Lanthanolania, Microzemiotes, Palacrodon, Prodiapsida, Rysosteus, Sauropterygia, Saurosphargidae, Stauromatodon, Thalattosauriformes, Utahdactylus, Utahdactylus kateae
Subtaxa: Acerosodontosauridae Aenigmasaurus Avicephala Heleosauridae Neodiapsida Noteosuchidae Palaeagamidae