†Caryosmilia granosa Wanner 1902 (stony coral)
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Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Caryophylliidae
Synonym: Caryosmilia abeli Kühn 1930
Full reference: J. Wanner. 1902. Die Fauna der obersten weissen Kreide der libyschen Wüste [Uppermost White Cretaceous of the Libyan Desert]. Palaeontographica 30(2):91-152
Belongs to Caryosmilia according to Wanner 1902
See also Kühn 1930
Sister taxon: Caryosmilia ambigua
Type specimens:
- Caryosmilia granosa: Its type locality is Bab-el Jasmund, Libyan Desert, which is in a Danian perireef or subreef limestone in Egypt
- Caryosmilia abeli: Its type locality is Bruderndorf, Lithothamnium Limestone, which is in a Danian shallow subtidal limestone in the Lithothamnium Limestone Formation of Austria.
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal microcarnivore
• Paleocene of Austria (2 collections), Egypt (2)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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